What is this website about?

Imagine having (almost) all types of data visualization tools and techniques seamlessly brought together in one place, creating a comprehensive and unified platform for unlocking insights from your data. This consolidated open access hub allows users to employ diverse visualization methods, from statistical plots to cartograms.

THE MAIN IDEA: Step-by-step recreation of published visualizations sourced from scholarly articles, websites, or media sources. All the data visualizations presented in this website are generated using R program. Line-highlighting is employed to accentuate the added code in every step.

Why R for data visualization?

Choosing R for data visualization, particularly when leveraging the grammar of graphics through packages like {ggplot2}, offers several compelling reasons:

  • R is open source and freely available, making it accessible to a broad of users.

  • R, especially with {ggplot2}, is renowned for producing high-quality and publication-ready visualizations.

  • The grammar of graphics provides a systematic and structured approach to data visualization. With {ggplot2} (and its extensions), users can describe the components of a plot using layers, making it easy to create complex visualizations while maintaining code readability.

  • R has a vibrant and active user community, including statisticians, data scientists, and methodologists.

  • R, with packages like {plotly} and {Shiny}, supports the creation of interactive visualizations.

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